Wednesday, January 24, 2007

bad news

I've gained three pounds.  No, not another three pounds on top of the last I mentioned; it's the same three I keep losing, then putting back on.  I know why it happens, and I know what I could do to stop it.  I just don't.  It's wintertime, I'm house-bound, and I feed my pouty self snacks at night to make up for it.  Hurry up, springtime!

If I stayed at this weight, it wouldn't be a big deal; but if I gain three now, then another two or three next week, it's going to matter a lot.

Cliff is up two pounds from last week, although he's really doing well at watching how much he eats.  I'm the one having the problem here!  We couldn't take our walk for over a week, and that makes some difference.

Now that I'm used to watching for trans-fats on labels, I took the advice from Sparkpeople to heart and started reading ingredients.  In an article called "The Loopholes of Labeling", it's explained this way:

"Experts recommend that people avoid trans fats, which are created when oils are hydrogenated during food processing. But you can't trust a product's claim of zero trans fats, nor can you trust the nutrition facts label on this one. Always read the

This may seem insignificant, but it does add up. Think about a box of cookies. It says "zero trans fats" on the front of the box and on the nutrition facts label, but it lists "partially hydrogenated oils" in the ingredients list. This food can contain up to 0.5 grams of trans fats per serving, yet the labeling is legit. Over time, when you consume the 6, 10, or 20 servings of cookies in the box, you'll consume 3, 5, or 10 grams of trans fats."
list. If the words "partially hydrogenated" appear in it at all, then the food DOES contain trans fats. But thanks to labeling guidelines, any food that contains 0.5 grams or less of a nutrient can be listed as zero grams on the nutrition facts label. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We just got home from my birthday trip which turned into an "eating" trip.  I gained 3 lbs too.  Now its back to working on this weight.  Thanks for the information.  I don't always read all the articdles from sparkpeople.