Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wednesday weigh-in

My weight today is 146.  I'm maintaining! 

Cliff weighs 222, and his blood pressure is 113/65.  Yes, he's on meds, but that's still great.  He has both a brother and a cousin who are on BP meds and their blood pressure is stays in the 170+ range in spite of meds.  I'm thankful that his stays so low, and that the meds work. 

Folks, I've figured out that one of the main reasons people get too much cholesterol and too much salt is simply that they eat too much.  Yes, I realize any dummy should be able to figure that out, but it just hit me the other day.

Take pizza, for instance.  A medium slice of pizza has 720 mg of sodium.  You could work that into a day's allowance and not do bad at all (my goal is to keep the sodium under 2,500 mg a day).

But Cliff and I used to buy a LARGE pizza at Pizza Hut and each of us would eat half.  Good grief!

Yeah, so if you are watching cholesterol and sodium, the best way to cut back on them is  to stop overeating.

Duh.  Why did this just now sink in?  And would it have made any difference?  I doubt it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Donna, that has been the hardest thing to change since my heart attack.I know just what you mean about that pizza.I was up to 230.almost 3 years after I am holding at 194.the push back diet worked best for me although at times I cheat and pull it back.Cliffs BP looks good.